PROJECT "Strengthening the sustainability of NGO "Magnolia" as a creator of media content dedicated to the protection of children's rights"

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 01.10.2021 - 28.02.2022

The project is implemented with financial support of Renaissance IF

Crowdfunding campaign "Missing Children search Service needs you help"

Campaign goal: to create informatioinal campaign on support homeless children during COVID-19 and quarantine.

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 18.05.2021 - 18.11.2021

The project is implemented on Spilnokosht Platform. 

PROJECT "Strengthening Czech-Ukrainian cooperation to unify standards 116 000 hot-lines in Ukraine and the Czech Republic

Project goal: to strenghten cooperation of Ukrainian and Czech hot-lines for missing children 116 000

Project geography: Ukraine and the Czech Republic
Project duration: 01.09.2021 – 30.11.2021
Partners: NGO "Cesta z krize"
The project is implemented with financial support of "European Values Center for Security Policy"

PROJECT “Strengthening capacity of NGO "Magnolia" for chidren's rights protection"

Project goal: to strenghten the capacity of NGO "Magnolia" in area chidlren's rights protection in cases of parental abductions

Project geography: Ukraine
Project duration: 01.03.2020 – 31.10.2020
The project is implemented with financial support of "The Initiative Center to Support Social Action "Ednannia"

PROJECT “Implementation of European standards of 116 000 hotline for missing children in Ukraine as a tool for prevention of child trafficking, child abuse and sexual exploitation

Project goal: development of an effective tool to combat the trafficking of children, child abuse and sexual exploitation by bringing the Ukrainian hotline for missing children 116000 to the standards of corresponding European hotlines 116 000, as it has been done in 30 European countries.

Project geography: Ukraine
Project duration: 01.03.2019 – 31.10.2019
The project is implementing with financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany

PROJECT “Fight against torture, ill-treatment and impunity in Ukraine" A media campaign

Project goalto draw public attention to the problem of torture and ill-treatment in Ukraine; to support a coalition of human rights organizations to make pressure on the State from civil society to prevent torture and ill-treatment and protect human rights.

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 2018-2019
The project is implementing with financial support of the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany
Partners: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, LLC «Magnolia-TV"

A media campaign in the joint PROJECT of UNICEF and Ukrainian children's rights network :“Enhancing the capacity and influence of non-governmental actors in the development, implementation and monitoring of child rights in alternative care, improving child protection policies and strategies”

Project geography: Ukraine
Project duration: June 2018 - March 2019
Specific goal of a media campain: to provide the informational media support for the Project through creating series of media-content and broadcasting it on TV and in social networks
The project is implementing with financial support of the UNICEF Ukraine


PROJECT “Equality as a manifestation of democracy”

Project goal: to promote the formation of sustainable public opinion on the need to respect women's rights and promote gender equality.

Project geography: Ukraine
Project duration: 01.08.2018 – till now
The project is implementing with financial support of the ICF Ukrainian Woman's Fund.

PROJECT “Protect your child”

Project goal: to increase public awareness about identifying signs of bullying amongst children and legal methods of counteraction to bullying.

Project geography: Kyiv Region
Project duration: 01.05.2018 – till now
Since the project begins, we are offering help to parents/responsible persons on our hot-line 116 000 and provide consultations about identifying signs of bullying amongst children and legal methods of counteraction to bullying.
The same time, we create media-content to increase public awareness about bullying.
Result: 311 parents – Kyiv residents got high-quality support on the hot-line, psychological and legal assistance on early bullying detection and methods of counteraction to bullying.
311 children, whose parents called on the hot-line, were protected from bullying.
The project is implemented with financial support of the Kyiv City Statement Administration.

PROJECT «Recruting Patronage Families in Ukraine»

Project goal: to recruit potential candidates for the programme of Family Patronage Services, thereby decreasing the number of children who are placed in institutional care.

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 01.01.2018 - 30.08.2018

The project is implementing with financial support of the World Childhood Foundation.

Partners: LLC «Magnolia-TV", the Partnership for Every Child

PROJECT «Establishment of a “hot line” to increase awareness of women-emigrants concerning domestic and gender-oriented violence»

Project goal

Increase the level of awareness of women-emigrants with children on opportunity of getting the support in case of domestic and gender-oriented violence and women-emigrants mobilization about the violence problem solution.   

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 15.03.2017 - 15.08.2017

Results of the project:

Secured work of IP-telephony on the number 0-800-50-40-42. Configured CRM software (system for fixation calls) and developed Oktell database for save calls information. Therefore, created «hot» line «Against Violence» for IDPs women who survived domestic violence and gender-based violence. Сreated video and two banners to promotion information about opportunity get help on the «hot» line in media and website for the population of Ukraine. As a result of Information Company at least 1,500,000 people of Ukraine informed about the need to counter domestic and gender-based violence. Furthermore, informed about the possibility of receiving consultations on the hotline «Against Violence». 107 consultations were provided for 60 clients who turned on hot line. We should emphasize that some peoples were provided with more than one consultation. 30 peoples are diverted according to their situations and needs.

The project is implementing with financial support of the European Union.

Partners: Convictus Ukraine NGO AC Socioconsulting SO

PROJECT «Children safety – common responsibility»

Project goal:

Formation of stable relations of the Police for Donetsk Region with the public and local authorities, and increase of policemen/women professional competence to prevent cases of child neglect and homelessness, labor and sexual exploitation and involvement of children in crime activity in Lyman District, Donetsk Region.

Project geography: Donetsk Region

Project duration: 10.01.2017 - 30.06.2017

Results of the project:

1.     We created the platform “Children safety – common responsibility”, which united the juvenile prevention of the Donetsk region, children's service departments of the Donetsk region, departments of education in the Donetsk region and society. Due to the creation of the platform bureaucratic barriers to juvenile prevention in the leading of prophylactic arrangement of children’s crisis groups (orphans, including those from the occupied territories, children in difficult living conditions and others), who are in state care institutions.

2.     A series of trainings for juvenile employees of the Donetsk region were held. It greatly increased their professional competence in dealing with crisis groups of children in preventing the escape of children from institutions of care, and as a result - the involvement of children in military conflict and criminal activity, defeat by mines and hardware, labor and sexual exploitation.

3.     According to the results of the conducted focus-groups with children, two films were created and designed for two age groups of children:

For the junior group (10-12 years)  film was designed as a computer game. Such form give us a possibility accessibly and clearly show the child all the dangers, which can wait them in the street, in the gray zone and in the area of hostilities.
For the older group (13-16 years) we created film with one of the most popular  singer Yarmak. The choice of the singer was prompted by the children themselves. In a video, Yarmak addresses to children as "equal to equal" and in understandable for teenagers language tells, that the escape to the street is not an issue and will not solve any problem.
Created video films were given to employees of the juvenile prevention of Donetsk region to increase the efficiency of work with crisis groups of children.

The project is implementing with the support of Renaissance IF

PROJECT «Family Patronage: introduction of the best practices for alternative children care temporarily left without parental care». A media campaign

Project goal:

Decrease level of children institutionalization temporarily left without parental care though introduction of the family patronage care services in 15 regions of Ukraine.

Project task:

  1. Development and introduction nationally and locally of the appropriate regulatory and legal base for effective foster-family care service operation.
  2. Provide development and establishment of new foster-families for children temporarily left without parental care at least in 15 regions of Ukraine.
  3. Increase awareness level of foster-family care services among professionals and general public.

Project long-term results:

  • At least 750 children will annually avoid injuries connected with staying at different institutional establishments after introduction of full operation of the foster-family care services;
  • 80% children annually left without parental care will return to their families or settle family forms;
  • The quantity of children granted the status of the child deprived of the parental care (i.e. children became “social orphans”) will be reduced;
  • A new service of the alternative care for the children left by some reason without parental care - foster-family care – complying with the world best standards and practices will be introduced in Ukraine.

The project is implemented by the Partnership for Every Child ( with the support of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and World Childhood Foundation. Information partner of the project – NGO Magnolia ( 

PROJECT «Improvement of access to justice and defence of the right to a fair trial for vulnerable groups in Ukraine»

Project objective:

  • Increase a level of defence of the rights of vulnerable groups;
  • Develop constructive cooperation between civic society and the state to effectively defence of the rights of vulnerable groups;
  • Strengthen the capacity of civic society to influence state policy in the area of defence rights of vulnerable groups.

Project goals:
- Dissemination of information on human rights situation in Ukraine with focus on violation of rights on fair justice of vulnerable groups;
- Holding discontinuous campaign on raising public awareness of the project results and activities, preparation and production of TV pieces and other visibility events;
- Media coverage of visits of monitoring mobile groups of the project to correctional colonies with purpose to check the state of convicted persons rights observance by colonies administrations. Participation in monitoring mobile groups activities. 

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 15.06.2016-10.06.2017

With the financial support of  The European Commission. 

Partners: Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group 

PROJECT Combating cases of violence against children in Ukraine

Project objective: Creating and Testing the Mechanism of Response enhancement of local authorities to cases of violence against children in Ukraine (using available cases from Magnolia NGO) and sharing results of Mechanism Testing in Media with coverage of 1 200 000 people throughout Ukraine.

Concrete project goal: Response enhancement of local authorities throughout Ukraine to cases of violence against children, and as result, reduction of such cases in Ukraine

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: 01.02.2016- until now

Project is implemented by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Partners:   LLC «Magnolia-TV"

PROJECT Providing family-oriented psychological assistance to families of internally displaced persons with children

Project objective::To provide family-oriented psychological assistance on the base of a free hotline for families of internally displaced persons with children who have difficulties with psychosocial adaptation to new living conditions and which, as the consequence, may threaten the preservation of the family.

Project geography: Ukraine

Project duration: October 2015 to February 2016
The initiative "Providing family-oriented psychological assistance to IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) families with children" is implemented by NGO "Magnolia" with a financial support from the UNDP Office in Ukraine (as part of the project "Rapid response to social and economic problems of IDP in Ukraine") and the Government of Japan.

Partners: Television channels of Ukraine

The results:

Over the entire period of operation of the psychological assistance hotline for IDP families with children (from 15 October 2015 to 25 February 2016) the hotline has received 5,513 calls. A total of 310 families of IDP with children requiring psychological assistance received advice. On the whole, 2,202 hours of consultations have been provided.


PROJECT Do not create stereotypes, we are all the same! A media campaign

The objective: Destructing a negative stereotype among motorists that everyone who moved in their cars into the territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine behaves arrogantly and creates accidents on the roads.

The campaign provides for the creation and posting in the media materials aimed at reducing bias and enhancing the level of tolerance of motorists.

Project geography: Ukraine

Implementation period: October 2015 to November 2015

The media campaign “Do not create stereotypes, we are all the same!” is held by NGO “Magnolia” as part of the Project "Promoting pluralism and dialogue in Ukrainian society", which is implemented by the East Europe Foundation with the support of ChildFund Deutschland e.V. and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

Partners: LLC «Magnolia-TV"


PROJECT “Enlightenment project on social, educational and psychological services to children, adolescents and young people who are in need”. A media campaign

The objective: to implement awareness of the broadest sections of the population and regional coverage of the problem and ways to help children, adolescents and young people who are in need by the way of: creating a media content and placing it in the media outlets.

Implementation period: September 2015 to December 2015

With the financial support of the International Charitable Foundation "Caritas Ukraine"


Partners: LLC “Magnolia-TV”


PROJECT Organization of a call-center for searching of missing children and increasing of a number of informative advertisements in mass media to search for children disappeared in the conflict zone

Implementation period: January 2015 to December 2015

With the financial support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

Project geography: Ukraine

Partners: Television channels of Ukraine


The results:

Through the Project implementation, NGO “Magnolia” has significantly increased the effectiveness of the search for children due to several factors:

1)      A call centre has been set up by world standards

2)     The media announcements we have created have been focused on the threat to life of the children caught in the conflict zone, and as a result, we received a strong feedback from witnesses and volunteers who wanted to help in the search for these children.

As a result, the Project effectiveness has increased up to 55 per cent.

drawing public attention to the problem of torture and ill-treatment; support for a coalition of human rights organizations to exert pressure on the state from civil society to prevent torture and ill-treatment and protect human rights.


The project is implemented